Annotated Bibliography

Will Langston

Annotated Bibliography

To begin with the annotated bibliography, I wanted to explore more ideas in the realm of speculative outer space design. In the context of designing for our future built environment concerning building for harsh environments of other planets or our future planet. 

Du Toit, Wessie. “Space Architecture: A Moonage Daydream?” Engelsberg Ideas, January 31, 2024.

This article looks into potential proposals for built space-age designs. And I think it is interesting that the author did not consider some of the projects as impossible, because there is detail on construction methods, and material usage. But instead, the main idea that makes these projects devolve into fantasy, might be the fact that humans have not tried to discover how to build with these harsh environments yet. 

Özgür, Irmak Yavuz, and Onur Tumturk. "Envisioning Future Forms of Urban Spaces Through Speculative Design Explorations: An Urban Design Studio Experience." 2017

This article is interesting because it breaks down the fascination with utopian thought in design and how it does not limit a designers creative freedom. Designing for our future needs. Not necessarily trying to make one idea of a utopia but designing our built environment for the evolution to a built environment. 

Chierichetti, Nicolò. "Colonization of Space: Ephemeral Megastructures for New City Forms.                            Archigram Case."

This text overall addresses ideas about space colonization and delves into ideas about potential city interaction based on utopian ideas. I thought it was pretty interesting considering more about our evolution into environments we are unaware of because it talks about designing for habitability as well. 

Although I was not directly looking for sources on utopias, it was interesting to see that was a theme that kept reoccurring. I like the ideas that these readings gave me. And some articles even contradicted my own opinions based on speculative design that I did not include here. I think I really want to move forward with designing for the future of the space age and how we could better interact with hostile environments. 


  1. Hey Will,

    I think it could be interesting to see if there's been research concerning how extraterrestrial environments have made any significant impacts into building design on Earth. Let's say Earth becomes extremely uninhabitable at some point, are there ways researchers and architects have been considering to design for the future based on planets on uninhabitable planets like Venus? There may be some designing for redundancy in there, but I think it could be worth looking into.


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